Thursday, November 8, 2007


Make of the title what you will, but it is true and it's my life. I decided to get a blog: everyone else seems to have one, and, of course, it's where the feud began. For this generation anyway.

My life has always been divided between roaming the streets of NY and protecting the citizens of the land once known as Arctica. I'm not world's best protector, but I'm all they've got. I managed to get this labtop to work here anyway, so it'll be easier to post stuff frequently.

A few hours ago, I was crouched in this same alleyway, having my neck breathed down by both Tempest and his twin sister Taima. They are the prince and princess of Lithniate, a large country that takes up a little less than half of the wind moon, Cyan. It used to be a colony of the part of Crystaralight known as Thunderia, but then they became independant some hundred and sixty years back. They were the first twins in the entire history of the royal family of Lithniate. It was because their mother was from Garner, the capital city of Pyrite, which shares its name with the great volcanic plains that surround it. In Pyrite twins are incredibly common, and their royal family have never had anything but twins. Their mother wasn't royal, though. Just beautiful and, if the Pyritians I've met are anything to judge by, totally badass. They are both thirteen turning fourteen quite soon.

Suddenly, I heard screaming in the street. One of the Lupin Assasins had revealed itself. I rushed round the corner to see a hooded stranger unleashing a blast of flames on mutt. Soon the street was full of the smell of singed fur and burnt meat. Then, even faster than they had come, the flames disapeared completely. The stranger looked up and black eyes specled with orange met my own crystal white ones. Her companions noticed me too. Next thing I knew they were sharing the alley with us.

I had known as soon as I saw those eyes that this was Aura, Third in line for the throne of Pyrite. I'd seen her one time when I was five, and Crystaralight was still under its rightful ruler. My mother and her mother were quite close friends back when they were alive. The rest of her group were: Drake, her twin brother; Illumina, or Lucy as they call her, her older sister; the twins Apollo and Amber, her younger siblings; Luna of Crystaralight; and Lorelei, princess of Celestina. Lori, as she asked to be called, has all the grace and beauty that we thought was lost when Celestina fell at the hands of Dragona. I had had my doubts that she actually was Elara of Celestina's sister when I read my own sister's posts, but I don't see how she could not be now. They also have a pretty solid reference book: the Crystarian Lunimia, the all knowing book that has been passed down from generation to generation in the Crystarian royal family. Its name in english is 'The Teacher of Crystaralight' or, literally 'The Light of Crystaria', Crystaria being an ancient name for Crystaralight. It only gives its reader knowledge they directly need, except if the holder is the next in line for the Crystarian Throne. Then it gives them all the knowledge it can, within reason. It was made as a result of a prophrecy that was made about the fate of Crystaralight in the future.
Aura was pretty unpleasant with me at first, and sparked off a few insults at me. I was pretty icy in return. Then they showed me what they had actually came to give me: the crystal of Arctica. It's a clear jewel so precious and rare that there isn't even an english name for it. In Arcada, the ancient languaage of Arctica, it is called Carçah. The Pyritians made peace with the Marinaquans more than seven hundred years ago, but only six decades have past since the truce between Pyrite and Arctica was signed. In honour of the pact, the Pyritian queen herself took the Jewel and integrated it into a necklace made entirely of precious gems from both Arctican and Pyritian mines, moulded so delicately that they were said to be living things. The necklace was destroyed in Dragona's massacre, and the Carçah was sent to Earth embedded in the spine of the Crystarian Luminia.
Aura had somehow found pieces of both Pyritian and Arctican gems, and recreated the artwork as best she could. And I have to say that it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. She handed it to me and did something I hadn't expected: she smiled. We shook hands after she said, while I latched the necklace around my neck, 'So, Truce?'. Tempest and Taima decided to go back to Earth with them. They didn't want to leave me here alone, but I reasured them I would be meeting with my little sister soon. Which I will. I'm certain.

As they turned to go I realised that Aura is just a kid with a lot of responsability. Yes, she has her twin brother and older sister, but generally it's her who takes charge. She has the weight of seven people's lives on her shoulders. You can't really blame her for being so moody.

So now I'm here, waiting in an alley for a little sister I've never met. And what's bothering me the most? Not the question of whether she's real or not, not the idea that she might be evil, but whether she'll like me or not. I keep wondering if I make good big sister material. I supose I'll just have to wait and hope for the best .



Chrissie said...

*gasp* HI RENEE!! OMG OMG OMG!!!! How are you? Ehmagawd!!
I have so many questions:
Are mum and dad dead?
How old are you?
How's Artica doing?

Eek, this is so weird!
And just a few notes:

Actually, Elara isn't Lorelei's sister, because we have seen her *real* family tree. So I highly doubt that Lorelei is princess of Celestia, because we've seen the family tree and it says that Elara's parents only had one child.
And, is the clear jewel a diamond? Because I remember seeing it! I remember holding it and then dropping it, and then....and then I don't remember what happened next. XDD
I'd love to stay and chat with you Renee, but Star's making me get off her laptop now! Sorry!
Bye!! xxx

Chrissie said...

Oh. Hang''re Arctica's only protector.
I don't want Arctica to die.
Please don't tell me I have to come and protect too.....but....but I'm quite a good fighter...but I don't want to leave all my friends!
Oh gawd....

Renee said...

I'm not sure if they're alive or not. We got separated and I haven't seen them since.
I'm sixteen. I actually lived as Arctica's princess for six years before Dragona took over. Earth's atmosphere would have fuzzed up any other princessses' memories.
Arctica and Marinaqua itself is faring much better than any of the other planets, except maybe Pyrite, Which has been holding its own against Dragona quite well and is the only moon not taken over by him at this stage. Arctica is secretly helping Pyrite attack Dragona's forces (which consists of soldiers, Lupin Assasins, and a whole lot of other nasties).

Just a few responses to a few notes:

Could you please tell me where you got the real family tree? Though of course I'm sure it is from a very reliable source. It's just that the Crystarian Lunimia, to my knowledge, is the most reliable and complete source of information in the entire worlds of Crystaralight and Earth, Not to mention all the Crystarian moons. Maybe it is because, at the time when Elara's mother was pregnant with Lorelei, she hid her pregnancy, as the king, Elara's father, was very stressed because of Dragona's attacks on Thunderia, and couldn't deal with the knowledge that another child was on its way. Oh, and if it's not Lorelei, there is still another princess of Celestina, because I have met one of the guards, Äiãrcheïñeä , who was inside the room guarding the Queen of Celestina when she gave birth to her second daughter.

No, the Carçah of Arctica is not a diamond, though your jewel might be. The Carçah is made by certain substances being buried below thick ice for thousands of years. Yeah, it's weird.

Don't worry, I'm not the only one looking out for Arctica. Maybe I could go back to Earth with you, as long as I went back to check on how things are going every once in a while.


Star said...

Lupin Assasins are the bad wolf people who are sometimes after us? Right? I've also been attack by serpent like creatures with scale. They were like Dragonian or the Damien...or Serpientes. Idk.
Geeze...we wish we knew your email.
wow....our planet uses french, german and spanish charater too....odd.

Do you know anything about me, Princess Serallina Shinara? Daughter of Serenlyte (Starlight) and (Moonshine, which I don't know the crystarian name of him)


I am serios!!! You know more than I have stuff I secretly posted on my private message board!!!!And stuff that not everyone in our group knows. I got my info mostly from my Aunt and Guardian, Dawna, the dreamweaver.

Chrissie said...

Oh, for God's sake.
Can I just say a few things? I'm not trying to get bad with you BTW, Renee.
Arella found the family tree in an enchanted tree. She is an only child. I promise you.
O-N-L-Y-C-H-I-L-D. Pleeeaaaaase just believe me! You and Aura's gang are the only ones that think Arella has a sister. All of us KNOW that she's an only child.
And if the jewel isn't a diamond, there are two Arctica crystals. Because I am sure that the diamond is a crystal of Arctica.